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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-144324

Health boost potion/command in overworld going into nether creates dead glitch


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 19w07a
    • None
    • Windows 10
    • Unconfirmed

      While messing around with a sugar cane farm, i went to go make a health boost potion using commands, while doing so i equipped a Elytra and went to the nether. I drank the potion, went into Survival mode and went into the nether.

      i built cobblestone around the portal till i noticed that my health boost potion wasn't working.

      i tried to fly using the elytra and some fireworks, but it just wouldn't let me.

      I then touched lava to see if it would come back, but i touched the lava like i was in creative, but im in survival.

      i then met up with a few zombie pigmen, and smacked one of them to see what would happen. They starting chasing me like normal, but whenever i got it, the health boost potion wasn't working and i had just the default health and whenever i got hit, no sound came out.

      i then went back to the overworld, and noticed that my health boost still hasn't loaded.

      then i started taking damage like i was on fire and i "died"

      So when i clicked to respawn...

      i didnt.

      i went into creative and went to the survival inventory and i was red and slanted like i was doing the death animation.

      i pressed F5 to see if i looked like that, but i was glitching around in the death animation. i then spawned 3 creepers to see if they would notice me, and they did. i killed 2 of then with a wooden sword to see if that would work and that did, but i let one of the creepers explode in my face, and i died for a second time.


      How to replicate this glitch:

      Step one: Get yourself a Health boost potion or Use commands like /effect give @p minecraft:health_boost and set it to a power of 10 and hide particles to true

      Step two: build a nether portal and go into it.

      Step three: Health boost hearts gone, and then its activated.

      Step four: go to the overworld and then you will get burned without fire.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            kierondrake kieron robinson
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