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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-141299

Few aggressive mobs/parrots spawning


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 18w50a
    • None
    • Windows 10, Java version 1.8.0_131
    • Unconfirmed

      I started a survival world in the newest snapshot and I didn't notice anything weird because I just explored and skipped the nights sleeping, but then I got to a village and called it home. The first night I passed without sleeping no mobs spawned. I have the difficulty set to hard, I tried to change it to peaceful and back to hard and nothing happened. A few mobs spawned, though, I got a raid and that worked well, I found a cave spider spawn and that worked too, also I found a few mobs, but a lot less than I used to find in older versions in a hard difficulty. I don't know if this is something that is meant to be like this. I tried creating another world, set the time to midnight, still being in hard, and only spawned a witch and a skeleton. 


      Also in my jungle there were no parrots, I don't know if the spawn zone changed or it is another issue :/

        1. screenshot.PNG
          550 kB
        2. 2018-12-20_14.01.58.png
          4.37 MB
        3. 2018-12-20_13.52.53.png
          1.11 MB
        4. 2018-12-20_13.52.49.png
          997 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tricky7377 Rodrigo Rojo
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