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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-141077

Crash Immediately After World Generation


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative


      Dang CRaSh:

      After generating the world, even a superflat it crashes on the first frame and the first frame show that some chunks aren't loaded properly. I am convinced that the cause is VBOs, I noticed the option for VBOs is gone. If VBOs was ever on It would crash the same way as it does now ever since 1.10. Has VBOs been changed to always on, so it can't be turned off and been removed from the video options?


      My Laptop's specs:

      • 4GB Ram Memory.
      • Intel Celeron Processor N284
      • Dual CPU cores (unknown GHz)


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            SuperSolomob422 SuperSolomob422
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