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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-140289

Abstract Method Error whilst Ticking Entity when teleporting New_Village structure from locate command.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 18w48a
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      This doesn't occur every time. Crash reports refer to an abstract method called whilst ticking entity. An Enderman the first time but the Player the second.
      Description: Ticking entity
      java.lang.AbstractMethodError: bxx$$Lambda$1063/1887459401.a(Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Dynamic;)Ljava/lang/Object;

      This occurred in two villages on the same seed, 6860551933019121950, on a plains buffet world. After crashing the world fails to load crashing on ticking server with the same abstract method.

      ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
      // I feel sad now :(Time: 11/29/18 12:45 PM
      Description: Ticking entityjava.lang.AbstractMethodError: bxx$$Lambda$1063/1887459401.a(Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Dynamic;)Ljava/lang/Object;
          at yg.a(SourceFile:18)
          at cat.<init>(SourceFile:44)
          at bvl$a.<init>(SourceFile:29)
          at cax.a(SourceFile:86)
          at bqu.a(SourceFile:614)
          at bqu.a(SourceFile:229)
          at ui.d(SourceFile:439)
          at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1590)
          at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1249)
          at ui.e(SourceFile:369)
          at ui.a(SourceFile:272)
          at bqa.a(SourceFile:14)
          at baq.a(SourceFile:1742)
          at akk.a(SourceFile:84)
          at aip.a(SourceFile:94)
          at ags.cR(SourceFile:601)
          at agr.k(SourceFile:2031)
          at ags.k(SourceFile:474)
          at aph.k(SourceFile:36)
          at aow.k(SourceFile:198)
          at agr.U_(SourceFile:1882)
          at ags.U_(SourceFile:285)
          at aph.U_(SourceFile:41)
          at baq.a(SourceFile:1165)
          at uj.a(SourceFile:395)
          at baq.g(SourceFile:1145)
          at baq.m_(SourceFile:1027)
          at uj.m_(SourceFile:311)
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(SourceFile:787)
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(SourceFile:716)
          at dog.a(SourceFile:128)
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:582)
          at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
      A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head --
      Thread: Server thread
          at yg.a(SourceFile:18)
          at cat.<init>(SourceFile:44)
          at bvl$a.<init>(SourceFile:29)
          at cax.a(SourceFile:86)
          at bqu.a(SourceFile:614)
          at bqu.a(SourceFile:229)
          at ui.d(SourceFile:439)
          at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1590)
          at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1249)
          at ui.e(SourceFile:369)
          at ui.a(SourceFile:272)
          at bqa.a(SourceFile:14)
          at baq.a(SourceFile:1742)
          at akk.a(SourceFile:84)
          at aip.a(SourceFile:94)
          at ags.cR(SourceFile:601)
          at agr.k(SourceFile:2031)
          at ags.k(SourceFile:474)
          at aph.k(SourceFile:36)
          at aow.k(SourceFile:198)
          at agr.U_(SourceFile:1882)
          at ags.U_(SourceFile:285)
          at aph.U_(SourceFile:41)
          at baq.a(SourceFile:1165)
          at uj.a(SourceFile:395)
          at baq.g(SourceFile:1145)-- Entity being ticked --
          Entity Type: minecraft:enderman (aow)
          Entity ID: 48132
          Entity Name: Enderman
          Entity's Exact location: -936.50, 64.00, -415.50
          Entity's Block location: World: (-937,64,-416), Chunk: (at 7,4,0 in -59,-26; contains blocks -944,0,-416 to -929,255,-401), Region: (-2,-1; contains chunks -64,-32 to -33,-1, blocks -1024,0,-512 to -513,255,-1)
          Entity's Momentum: 0.00, -0.08, 0.00
          Entity's Passengers: []
          Entity's Vehicle: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
          at baq.m_(SourceFile:1027)
          at uj.m_(SourceFile:311)-- Affected level --
          Level name: Plains
          All players: 1 total; [ul['RedstoneTARDIS42'/24711, l='Plains', x=-921.95, y=100.17, z=-507.73]]
          Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 3867
          Level seed: 6860551933019121950
          Level generator: ID 05 - buffet, ver 0. Features enabled: true
          Level generator options: {biome_source:{options:{biomes:["minecraft:plains"]},type:"minecraft:fixed"},chunk_generator:{options:{default_fluid:"minecraft:water",default_block:"minecraft:stone"},type:"minecraft:surface"}}
          Level spawn location: World: (-160,63,-16), Chunk: (at 0,3,0 in -10,-1; contains blocks -160,0,-16 to -145,255,-1), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,0,-512 to -1,255,-1)
          Level time: 15482 game time, 15482 day time
          Level dimension: 0
          Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
          Level weather: Rain time: 124333 (now: false), thunder time: 123537 (now: false)
          Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: true
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(SourceFile:787)
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(SourceFile:716)
          at dog.a(SourceFile:128)
          at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:582)
          at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)-- System Details --
          Minecraft Version: 18w48a
          Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.14
          Java Version: 1.8.0_74, Oracle Corporation
          Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
          Memory: 1146239432 bytes (1093 MB) / 1946157056 bytes (1856 MB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MB)
          JVM Flags: 8 total; -Xss1M -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
          Player Count: 1 / 8; [ul['RedstoneTARDIS42'/24711, l='Plains', x=-921.95, y=100.17, z=-507.73]]
          Data Packs: vanilla
          Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
          Is Modded: Probably not. Jar signature remains and both client + server brands are untouched.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            RedstoneTARDIS42 Sam Angui
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
