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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-133082

Flat platform is not created when The Void is preset.


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative

      When I created a super flat world, I created the world after "The Void" was presupposed. But since the creation of the world, there has been no platform, and then fell to the void.

      I have tested in the 1.12.2 version, and the 1.12.2 version has the same platform, because it does not fall into the void. After this version, the platform will not be created, causing the player to die in the void.

      Not only is this version bug, but also 1.13 of all pre releases have this bug. This is very important for us to create platforms without command. Orders are needed until now.

      Minecraft Wiki said that I had seen the page of the biological group, and said that "void" would appear on a stone platform, but not. Many people have also seen such a situation, so for me, this bug needs to be repaired.

        1. 2018-07-09_08.52.19.png
          72 kB
        2. 2018-07-09_08.52.29.png
          47 kB
        3. 2018-07-09_08.52.46.png
          372 kB
        4. 2018-07-09_08.53.11.png
          57 kB

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            zombie0304 zombie0304 (Inactive)
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