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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-132143

Redstone/Observer signal timing broke slime sweeper farm


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Awaiting Response
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.13-pre4
    • None
    • iMac OSX 10.16.6
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      My slime block sweeper nether mob farm was working normally up through 1.13-pre3, but with pre-4 it seems the timing of the redstone signal has changed, causing the traveling pistons to no longer sweep back and forth. Instead, they just jitter in place. Normally a clock sends a single tick pulse which becomes two quick pulses in succession, driving the piston pair to travel along a rail. Now the pistons act as if it is one single longer pulse and just stay in place.

      It uses a clock with two observers and two repeaters - one on 1 tick, one on 2 ticks to drive the signal.

      EDIT: It definitely has to do with the observer clock. I made some changes, and now the sweepers work. I attached two pictures of the changes I had to make.  

        1. 2018-06-27_01.02.37.png
          2.30 MB
          Leslie Sheldon Bird
        2. 2018-06-27_02.03.15.png
          1.42 MB
          Leslie Sheldon Bird
        3. 2018-06-27_02.38.51.png
          1.23 MB
          Leslie Sheldon Bird
        4. 2018-06-27_02.39.10.png
          1.14 MB
          Leslie Sheldon Bird

            Unassigned Unassigned
            CerebralMayhem Leslie Sheldon Bird
            1 Vote for this issue
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