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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-132008

/execute as @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:minecart"}}] run data merge entity @s {Item:{tag:{CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:rail","minecraft:powered_rail","minecraft:detector_rail","minecraft:activator_rail"]}}} dosen't do anything.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.13-pre3
    • None
    • Windows 10 Minecraft 1.13-pre3

      2tb of data.
    • Unconfirmed

      So a mod by the name of tryashtar gave me this command to make it so when I break a minecart with canplaceon tags, it would drop the same minecart with canplaceon tags. It did nothing.

      Please tell me what I am doing wrong or mark this as a bug.

      What I am Doing:

      1. Getting a minecart with the canplaceon tag for Detector Rails, Activator Rails, Powered Rails, and Regular Rails.
      2. Executing the command
        /execute as @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:minecart"}}] run data merge entity @s {Item:{tag: {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:rail","minecraft:powered_rail","minecraft:detector_rail","minecraft:activator_rail"]}


      1. Placing down the minecart from step 1.
      2. Breaking the minecart to see if the command works.
      3. Seeing the minecart drop another non-tagged minecart that doesn't work.

      Please fix this. Thank you.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            EmmettLego1 EmmettLego
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