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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-12953

Efficiency 1 to 5 doesn't affect glass, glass panes, glowstones


    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival

      In earlier versions of Minecraft, Efficiency 5 on the pickaxe should break faster glass, glass panes, glowstones.... Ice block can be broken faster. Having Efficiency for this is useless.

      What I expected to happen was...:
      To see those blocks to be broken faster with Efficiency 1 to 5.

      What actually happened was...:
      Glass, Glass Panes and Glowstones takes more time to break, in earlier versions of minecraft those blocks can be broken faster

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Get a Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency I, II, III, IV or V
      2. Put some Glass, Glass Panes and Glowstones on the ground. Add the Ice Block to see why Im doing this..
      3. Notice how it takes more little time to mine them, even if you have a efficiency 5 with it. Seems like a normal pickaxe when you mine the block.

      PS: Sorry for my bad english

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            tntup Yan Bedard
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