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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-128841

Frozen blocks rarely don't generate on population loading


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 18w16a
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      The Bug
      Frozen blocks, such as snow layers and ice rarely don't generate in a strip of chunks.

      What I expected

      What happened
      Snow did not generate and ice did not freeze in a pond.

      I created the world in 18w10a I believe and setup a home, then I continuously updated until 18w16a. However, the chunks shown in the photos provided are well over 500 blocks from previously generated chunks.

      More Information
      The effected strips are only effected on the -X half of the chunk. The tree in the creative screenshots is just due to chunk loading (Generated the chunk without the tree (Above the line) and then the chunk with the tree (below the line) thus populating said chunk and crossing the boundary), this screenshot shows the same recreated world at the same coordinates. I tried recreating the glitch in different scenarios:

      • Recreating the world and flying to the coordinates.
      • Creating a Buffet world with just snow and ice, flew around generating terrain but did not find any replicates of the bug.


      1. This bug could be similar to another bug (Unfortunately I could not remember the bug nor could I find it in Bug Tracker).
      2. While I was exploring I was previously West (-X) of the glitched chunks, then retraced my steps and did a loop to go back to that spot. My guess is that those chunks were loaded, not populated, but listed as populated, and then reloaded as populated chunks.
      3. Or I just have no idea what I'm saying.

        1. Survival 8.png
          Survival 8.png
          1015 kB
        2. Survival 7.png
          Survival 7.png
          489 kB
        3. Survival 6.png
          Survival 6.png
          1.73 MB
        4. Survival 5.png
          Survival 5.png
          1.39 MB
        5. Survival 4.png
          Survival 4.png
          1.68 MB
        6. Survival 3.png
          Survival 3.png
          1.45 MB
        7. Survival 2.png
          Survival 2.png
          807 kB
        8. Survival 1.png
          Survival 1.png
          1.09 MB
        9. Creative 2.png
          Creative 2.png
          1.40 MB
        10. Creative 1.png
          Creative 1.png
          1.55 MB

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            NegativeZ_ Colin Block
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