Resolution: Awaiting Response
Minecraft 18w10d, Minecraft 1.13-pre6
I don't know the exact variables to reproduce but in summary, my test environment:
- Minecraft Server with 2 players (at least)
- This properties file: https://hastebin.com/logegepopi.ini
- Playing the game
This is a bug that's difficult to reproduce, but once it occurs it's really, really annoying. So I suggest someone revising the spawn code to be more precise in what it does, maybe also distribute the mob spawning per player a bit wiser. In any case, it's a pain in the a to talk to each server admin telling them their server is broken and hostile mobs don't spawn frequent at all, definitely doesn't seem like ```players * 70 / chunkstuff = mobcap``` or something along these lines.
- relates to
MC-2536 View distance affects mob spawning
- Resolved