Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-126518

Redstone or lighting updates causing severe lag and framerate drops


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 18w09a, Minecraft 18w10a, Minecraft 18w11a, Minecraft 18w14a, Minecraft 18w14b, Minecraft 18w15a, Minecraft 18w22b, Minecraft 1.13-pre2, Minecraft 1.13-pre3, Minecraft 1.13-pre4, Minecraft 1.13-pre5, Minecraft 1.13-pre6, Minecraft 1.13-pre7, Minecraft 1.13-pre8, Minecraft 1.13-pre9, Minecraft 1.13-pre10, Minecraft 1.13, Minecraft 18w30b, Minecraft 1.13.1-pre2, Minecraft 1.13.1, Minecraft 1.13.2, Minecraft 18w46a, Minecraft 1.14.3
    • * Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
      * Intel Core i7-950
      * 16GB RAM
      * AMD Radeon HD 6800
      * Java 1.8.0_161 64-bit
      * Also tested the bundled Java 1.8.0_25 64-bit
    • Community Consensus
    • Performance

      Even basic redstone contraptions are causing severe lag and framerate drops. I typically get well over 100 FPS (redstone_clock_disabled.png). To duplicate, I created a simple redstone clock that toggles a number of redstone torches and dust. While active (redstone_clock_enabled.png), this causes my framerate to drop to about 25 FPS (using the bundled javaw.exe 1.8.0_25 my framerate drops to 5 FPS).

      I think this may be a lighting issue, however. I tested a redstone contraption that does not create lighting updates with a piston and rapidly flipping the lever causes no lag. If I add a redstone lamp, the lag spikes return (redstone_lamp.gif). Ninja Edit: I also get a lag spike when placing and item in a furnace and it fires up.

      This may be related to the issue reported here: MC-124086 which I believe has been erroneously marked DUPLICATE, as this bug is not present in Minecraft version 1.12.0.

        1. 2019-03-31_02.39.29.png
          1.11 MB
          Brady Coles
        2. 2019-03-31_02.21.37.png
          1.09 MB
          Brady Coles
        3. 2019-03-31_02.21.54.png
          1.06 MB
          Brady Coles
        4. 2019-03-31_02.21.28.png
          1.02 MB
          Brady Coles
        5. 18w44a.png
          1.01 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        6. redstone_lamp_13pre6.gif
          8.88 MB
          Tim Fellows
        7. Saturated Lighting - Yes.png
          787 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        8. Saturated Lighting - No.png
          763 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        9. Roofed Forest - Furnace Lag.png
          841 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        10. Beach - Furnace Lag.png
          1.50 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        11. Roofed Forest - 1.12.2.png
          467 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        12. Roofed Forest - 5x5.png
          714 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        13. Roofed Forest - Off.png
          713 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        14. Roofed Forest - 15x15.png
          717 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        15. Proof-lighting updates.mp4
          6.34 MB
        16. Air - No Lag.png
          2.70 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        17. Roofed Forest - Fancy Graphics - Massive Lag.png
          799 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        18. Roofed Forest - Fast Graphics - Less Lag.png
          751 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        19. Mountains - No Lag.png
          666 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        20. Forest - Laggy.png
          960 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        21. 5 - Active - Better.png
          1.95 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        22. 6 - Active - OK.png
          1.95 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        23. 4 - Active - Far.png
          1.94 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        24. 3 - Active - Near.png
          1.04 MB
          Philip Børgesen
        25. 2 - Active - Close.png
          948 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        26. 1 - Inactive - Close.png
          1016 kB
          Philip Børgesen
        27. redstone_lamp.gif
          8.06 MB
          Tim Fellows
        28. redstone_clock_disabled.png
          479 kB
          Tim Fellows
        29. redstone_clock_enabled.png
          505 kB
          Tim Fellows

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tfellows Tim Fellows
            96 Vote for this issue
            40 Start watching this issue
