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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-118876

Blocks not actually breaking in safe file but no longer visible in game until after a reload. Weird glitchy hitbox remains


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.12
    • None
    • Windows10, Java Version 8 Update 131, Single player world, Gtx960, core i7, 8GB
    • Unconfirmed

      aka - hidden block glitch?
      note: This glitch is not the same as the totally not rare "blocks reappearing after broken glitch"

      When destroying blocks at a high rate (nether rack with an efficiency V pick for example). Some blocks don't break properly and a weird completely invisible glitchy hitbox (which make your character spaz out when walking into them) remains. Which whatever I do (even after first placing a block in it and then destroying it) does not disappear. After reloading the safe file all these anomalies are replaced by the nether rack that used to be there and act normally again.

      edit: "Which whatever I do (even after first placing a block in it and then destroying it) does not disappear." = false

      edit: also doesn't drop item

        1. 2017-06-22 01-31-44.mp4
          3.02 MB
        2. 2017-06-22 02-18-02.mp4
          9.05 MB
        3. 2017-06-22 02-21-01.mp4
          5.81 MB
        4. Actual Flying Chicken.mp4
          6.33 MB
        5. 2017-06-22 02-49-34.mp4
          7.72 MB
        6. 2017-06-22 03-00-54.mp4
          4.64 MB
        7. 2017-06-22 03-06-01.mp4
          4.98 MB
        8. 2017-06-22 03-03-29.mp4
          3.42 MB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            SheepSlaughter Tim de Vries
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