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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-117893

Parrot names do not remain after Saving & Quitting, or after sitting on shoulders.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 5
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      I have attempted to name five Parrots of differing color separate names, (after having previously named three Cats of differing color as well), after which I Saved and Quit to back up my Save Data for my (Hardcore) World, especially because this is a Pre-release version of 1.12. After returning (all I did was copy the current Save data into another Folder, without modifying the original in any other way), I noticed that the Name Tags that I used for each Parrot had been returned to my Inventory, while the Name Tags for the Cats were still attached to the Cats. I tried renaming them, Saving & Quitting, and rejoining the world several times, but each time the Name Tags were returned to me. Later, after experimenting some more, I found out that a named Parrot also loses its name after riding on the Player's shoulders. Again, the Name Tag was returned after Saving & Quitting and rejoining the world.

        1. Parrot Glitch 1 (Name visible).png
          430 kB
          Jason Michael Kaczmarczyk
        2. Parrot Glitch 2 (Parrot on shoulder).png
          640 kB
          Jason Michael Kaczmarczyk
        3. Parrot Glitch 3 (Name not visible anymore).png
          411 kB
          Jason Michael Kaczmarczyk
        4. Parrot Glitch 4 (Name Tag returned after reloading).png
          637 kB
          Jason Michael Kaczmarczyk

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ShadowMaster937 Jason Michael Kaczmarczyk
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