Resolution: Invalid
Minecraft 1.4.2
- Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.8.1
- Java Version: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
- Memory: 918602576 bytes (876 MB) / 3221225472 bytes (3072 MB) up to 3221225472 bytes (3072 MB)
- JVM Flags: 5 total; -Xmx3G -Xms3G -Xloggc:server_gc.log -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
- AABB Pool Size: 34241 (1917496 bytes; 1 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used- Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.8.1 - Java Version: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation - Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation - Memory: 918602576 bytes (876 MB) / 3221225472 bytes (3072 MB) up to 3221225472 bytes (3072 MB) - JVM Flags: 5 total; -Xmx3G -Xms3G -Xloggc:server_gc.log -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC - AABB Pool Size: 34241 (1917496 bytes; 1 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
The pattern seems to be that at first, everything is fine, then more players log in and things get extremely laggy. The number of players doesn't seem unusual. Then, one of the players gets disconnected:
2012-10-28 17:07:37 [INFO] ##REDACTED## lost connection: disconnect.genericReason
Before he got disconnected, the players all see extreme lag. This lag is detected by the debug profiler. Here is the profile output during the problem:
---- Minecraft Profiler Results ---- // I'm working as hard as I can! Time span: 32806 ms Tick span: 10 ticks // This is approximately 0.30 ticks per second. It should be 20 ticks per second --- BEGIN PROFILE DUMP --- [00] levels - 99.19%/99.19% [01] swim2 - 100.00%/100.00% [02] tick - 99.90%/99.90% [03] entities - 99.57%/99.57% [04] regular - 99.95%/99.95% [05] tick - 99.41%/99.41% [06] move - 94.70%/94.70% [06] unspecified - 2.83%/2.83% [06] entityBaseTick - 0.69%/0.69% [06] ai - 0.64%/0.64% [07] newAi - 92.19%/0.64% [08] goalSelector - 30.32%/0.20% [09] unspecified - 70.02%/0.14% [09] canUse - 13.30%/0.03% [09] pathfind - 5.94%/0.01% [09] goalStart - 5.72%/0.01% [10] ng - 54.68%/0.01% [11] pathfind - 95.03%/0.01% [11] unspecified - 4.97%/0.00% [10] unspecified - 41.68%/0.00% [10] nf - 2.62%/0.00% [10] mj - 0.46%/0.00% [10] mw - 0.24%/0.00% [10] nj - 0.21%/0.00% [10] mr - 0.06%/0.00% [10] nh - 0.03%/0.00% [09] goalTick - 4.30%/0.01% [10] unspecified - 77.40%/0.01% [10] pathfind - 21.18%/0.00% [10] canSee - 1.42%/0.00% [09] canContinue - 0.73%/0.00% [08] unspecified - 23.58%/0.15% [08] controls - 22.13%/0.14% [09] unspecified - 44.26%/0.06% [09] look - 32.48%/0.05% [09] move - 15.11%/0.02% [09] jump - 8.15%/0.01% [08] targetSelector - 14.21%/0.09% [09] unspecified - 87.43%/0.08% [09] goalStart - 5.32%/0.00% [10] unspecified - 98.53%/0.00% [10] nq - 1.47%/0.00% [09] goalTick - 4.26%/0.00% [09] canUse - 2.26%/0.00% [09] canSee - 0.49%/0.00% [09] canContinue - 0.24%/0.00% [10] canSee - 66.15%/0.00% [10] unspecified - 33.85%/0.00% [08] navigation - 4.43%/0.03% [08] checkDespawn - 2.41%/0.02% [08] sensing - 1.76%/0.01% [08] mob tick - 1.15%/0.01% [07] unspecified - 5.39%/0.04% [07] oldAi - 2.42%/0.02% [08] unspecified - 57.40%/0.01% [08] ai - 20.96%/0.00% [08] stroll - 17.22%/0.00% [09] pathfind - 88.98%/0.00% [09] unspecified - 11.02%/0.00% [08] followpath - 4.42%/0.00% [06] rest - 0.60%/0.60% [06] travel - 0.29%/0.29% [07] move - 44.20%/0.14% [07] unspecified - 33.92%/0.11% [07] rest - 21.88%/0.07% [06] chunkCheck - 0.11%/0.11% [06] mobBaseTick - 0.08%/0.08% [06] push - 0.03%/0.03% [06] headTurn - 0.01%/0.01% [06] looting - 0.01%/0.01% [06] jump - 0.01%/0.01% [06] rangeChecks - 0.00%/0.00% [06] checkLight - 0.00%/0.00% [07] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 66.65%/0.00% [07] unspecified - 18.70%/0.00% [07] getBrightness - 14.65%/0.00% [06] getBrightness - 0.00%/0.00% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00% [05] unspecified - 0.56%/0.56% [05] remove - 0.03%/0.03% [04] remove - 0.03%/0.03% [04] tileEntities - 0.02%/0.02% [05] unspecified - 99.31%/0.02% [05] move - 0.43%/0.00% [05] checkLight - 0.18%/0.00% [06] getBrightness - 50.00%/0.00% [06] unspecified - 41.67%/0.00% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 8.33%/0.00% [05] rest - 0.09%/0.00% [04] unspecified - 0.00%/0.00% [04] pendingTileEntities - 0.00%/0.00% [04] global - 0.00%/0.00% [03] tickTiles - 0.27%/0.27% [04] unspecified - 59.94%/0.18% [04] tickTiles - 21.00%/0.06% [04] getChunk - 6.92%/0.02% [04] iceandsnow - 2.65%/0.01% [04] tickChunk - 2.26%/0.01% [05] unspecified - 77.10%/0.01% [05] recheckGaps - 22.90%/0.00% [06] unspecified - 57.47%/0.00% [06] getBrightness - 40.35%/0.00% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 2.19%/0.00% [04] thunder - 1.86%/0.01% [04] checkLight - 1.86%/0.01% [04] moodSound - 1.54%/0.00% [04] buildList - 1.43%/0.00% [04] playerCheckLight - 0.53%/0.00% [05] unspecified - 64.53%/0.00% [05] getBrightness - 33.97%/0.00% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 1.50%/0.00% [03] mobSpawner - 0.09%/0.09% [03] chunkSource - 0.04%/0.04% [03] tickPending - 0.02%/0.02% [04] checkLight - 81.84%/0.02% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 56.16%/0.01% [05] getBrightness - 43.17%/0.01% [05] unspecified - 0.67%/0.00% [04] unspecified - 18.16%/0.00% [03] village - 0.00%/0.00% [03] unspecified - 0.00%/0.00% [03] chunkMap - 0.00%/0.00% [03] checkLight - 0.00%/0.00% [04] getBrightness - 54.51%/0.00% [04] unspecified - 45.49%/0.00% [04] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00% [02] tracker - 0.10%/0.10% [02] unspecified - 0.00%/0.00% [02] pools - 0.00%/0.00% [01] unspecified - 0.00%/0.00% [00] connection - 0.81%/0.81% [01] packetflow - 96.52%/0.88% [02] unspecified - 70.32%/0.62% [02] travel - 12.17%/0.11% [03] move - 42.38%/0.05% [03] unspecified - 36.40%/0.04% [03] rest - 21.22%/0.02% [02] move - 4.14%/0.04% [02] mobBaseTick - 3.18%/0.03% [02] entityBaseTick - 2.86%/0.03% [02] rest - 2.69%/0.02% [02] ai - 1.79%/0.02% [03] unspecified - 80.67%/0.01% [03] oldAi - 19.33%/0.00% [02] push - 1.78%/0.02% [02] headTurn - 0.43%/0.00% [02] jump - 0.21%/0.00% [02] looting - 0.19%/0.00% [02] rangeChecks - 0.15%/0.00% [02] chunkCheck - 0.09%/0.00% [01] playerTick - 2.37%/0.02% [02] travel - 45.90%/0.01% [03] move - 97.31%/0.01% [03] unspecified - 1.35%/0.00% [03] rest - 1.34%/0.00% [02] push - 27.21%/0.01% [02] unspecified - 25.94%/0.01% [02] entityBaseTick - 0.43%/0.00% [02] mobBaseTick - 0.22%/0.00% [02] headTurn - 0.13%/0.00% [02] ai - 0.11%/0.00% [03] unspecified - 71.43%/0.00% [03] oldAi - 28.57%/0.00% [02] rangeChecks - 0.03%/0.00% [02] looting - 0.02%/0.00% [02] jump - 0.02%/0.00% [01] unspecified - 1.09%/0.01% [01] keepAlive - 0.03%/0.00% [00] tallying - 0.00%/0.00% [00] players - 0.00%/0.00% [00] tickables - 0.00%/0.00% [00] snooper - 0.00%/0.00% --- END PROFILE DUMP ---
And here is the debug profiler after the problem has gone away (when "disconnect.genericReason" is logged):
---- Minecraft Profiler Results ---- // You should add flames to things, it makes them go faster! Time span: 42520 ms Tick span: 850 ticks // This is approximately 19.99 ticks per second. It should be 20 ticks per second --- BEGIN PROFILE DUMP --- [00] levels - 96.13%/96.13% [01] swim2 - 99.97%/96.19% [02] tick - 98.41%/94.66% [03] entities - 80.71%/76.40% [04] regular - 98.19%/75.02% [05] tick - 95.22%/71.43% [06] ai - 34.74%/24.82% [07] newAi - 92.46%/22.95% [08] goalSelector - 40.15%/9.21% [09] unspecified - 53.27%/4.91% [09] pathfind - 22.34%/2.06% [09] goalTick - 11.74%/1.08% [10] pathfind - 78.81%/0.85% [10] unspecified - 20.44%/0.22% [10] canSee - 0.71%/0.01% [10] checkLight - 0.05%/0.00% [11] unspecified - 64.54%/0.00% [11] getBrightness - 33.72%/0.00% [11] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 1.74%/0.00% [09] canUse - 9.29%/0.86% [09] goalStart - 2.93%/0.27% [10] unspecified - 60.07%/0.16% [10] ng - 34.71%/0.09% [11] pathfind - 95.32%/0.09% [11] unspecified - 4.68%/0.00% [10] nf - 3.96%/0.01% [10] mj - 0.32%/0.00% [10] mh - 0.26%/0.00% [10] mq - 0.20%/0.00% [10] nj - 0.13%/0.00% [10] mu - 0.12%/0.00% [10] mw - 0.09%/0.00% [10] mr - 0.08%/0.00% [10] mp - 0.06%/0.00% [10] nh - 0.00%/0.00% [09] canContinue - 0.42%/0.04% [08] unspecified - 24.22%/5.56% [08] targetSelector - 14.57%/3.34% [09] unspecified - 88.28%/2.95% [09] goalStart - 4.51%/0.15% [10] unspecified - 99.99%/0.15% [10] nr - 0.01%/0.00% [09] goalTick - 3.62%/0.12% [09] canUse - 2.41%/0.08% [09] canSee - 1.10%/0.04% [09] canContinue - 0.08%/0.00% [10] unspecified - 63.84%/0.00% [10] canSee - 36.16%/0.00% [08] controls - 14.49%/3.32% [09] unspecified - 76.36%/2.54% [09] look - 13.82%/0.46% [09] move - 6.14%/0.20% [09] jump - 3.67%/0.12% [08] checkDespawn - 2.71%/0.62% [08] sensing - 1.50%/0.34% [08] navigation - 1.45%/0.33% [08] mob tick - 0.91%/0.21% [07] unspecified - 5.50%/1.37% [07] oldAi - 2.03%/0.50% [08] unspecified - 70.06%/0.35% [08] ai - 21.68%/0.11% [08] stroll - 6.83%/0.03% [09] pathfind - 93.94%/0.03% [09] unspecified - 6.06%/0.00% [08] followpath - 1.43%/0.01% [06] unspecified - 29.88%/21.34% [06] travel - 17.70%/12.64% [07] move - 48.49%/6.13% [07] unspecified - 30.72%/3.88% [07] rest - 20.79%/2.63% [06] entityBaseTick - 8.05%/5.75% [06] mobBaseTick - 4.17%/2.98% [06] move - 1.65%/1.18% [06] push - 1.40%/1.00% [06] headTurn - 0.68%/0.49% [06] rest - 0.58%/0.41% [06] chunkCheck - 0.42%/0.30% [06] looting - 0.27%/0.19% [06] rangeChecks - 0.26%/0.18% [06] jump - 0.21%/0.15% [06] checkLight - 0.00%/0.00% [07] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 38.51%/0.00% [07] unspecified - 32.82%/0.00% [07] getBrightness - 28.67%/0.00% [06] getBrightness - 0.00%/0.00% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00% [05] unspecified - 4.43%/3.32% [05] remove - 0.35%/0.26% [04] tileEntities - 1.62%/1.24% [05] unspecified - 95.89%/1.19% [05] checkLight - 3.99%/0.05% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 73.03%/0.04% [06] getBrightness - 24.50%/0.01% [06] unspecified - 2.47%/0.00% [05] move - 0.09%/0.00% [05] rest - 0.03%/0.00% [04] remove - 0.15%/0.11% [04] unspecified - 0.04%/0.03% [04] pendingTileEntities - 0.00%/0.00% [04] global - 0.00%/0.00% [03] tickTiles - 14.39%/13.62% [04] unspecified - 54.76%/7.46% [04] tickTiles - 17.63%/2.40% [05] unspecified - 99.13%/2.38% [05] checkLight - 0.85%/0.02% [06] unspecified - 58.19%/0.01% [06] getBrightness - 26.21%/0.01% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 15.60%/0.00% [05] getBrightness - 0.01%/0.00% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.01%/0.00% [04] moodSound - 7.81%/1.06% [04] getChunk - 6.90%/0.94% [04] tickChunk - 4.95%/0.67% [05] recheckGaps - 70.18%/0.47% [06] unspecified - 71.30%/0.34% [06] getBrightness - 25.78%/0.12% [06] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 2.92%/0.01% [05] unspecified - 29.82%/0.20% [04] iceandsnow - 2.55%/0.35% [04] buildList - 1.86%/0.25% [04] thunder - 1.69%/0.23% [04] checkLight - 1.45%/0.20% [04] playerCheckLight - 0.39%/0.05% [05] unspecified - 65.56%/0.03% [05] getBrightness - 32.60%/0.02% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 1.85%/0.00% [03] mobSpawner - 4.16%/3.94% [03] tickPending - 0.43%/0.41% [04] checkLight - 67.16%/0.27% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 75.51%/0.21% [05] getBrightness - 23.30%/0.06% [05] unspecified - 1.19%/0.00% [04] unspecified - 32.84%/0.13% [03] village - 0.10%/0.09% [03] chunkSource - 0.09%/0.09% [04] unspecified - 99.37%/0.08% [04] checkLight - 0.63%/0.00% [05] unspecified - 55.85%/0.00% [05] getBrightness - 32.58%/0.00% [05] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 11.58%/0.00% [03] unspecified - 0.06%/0.06% [03] checkLight - 0.04%/0.04% [04] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 95.74%/0.04% [04] unspecified - 2.82%/0.00% [04] getBrightness - 1.44%/0.00% [03] chunkMap - 0.02%/0.02% [02] tracker - 1.55%/1.49% [02] unspecified - 0.03%/0.03% [02] pools - 0.00%/0.00% [02] timeSync - 0.00%/0.00% [01] unspecified - 0.03%/0.03% [00] connection - 3.75%/3.75% [01] packetflow - 93.76%/3.52% [02] unspecified - 93.67%/3.30% [02] travel - 2.70%/0.09% [03] move - 46.72%/0.04% [03] unspecified - 33.99%/0.03% [03] rest - 19.29%/0.02% [02] entityBaseTick - 0.89%/0.03% [02] move - 0.69%/0.02% [02] mobBaseTick - 0.67%/0.02% [02] rest - 0.48%/0.02% [02] ai - 0.30%/0.01% [03] unspecified - 73.92%/0.01% [03] oldAi - 26.08%/0.00% [02] checkLight - 0.23%/0.01% [03] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 61.73%/0.01% [03] getBrightness - 23.97%/0.00% [03] unspecified - 14.30%/0.00% [02] push - 0.19%/0.01% [02] headTurn - 0.09%/0.00% [02] rangeChecks - 0.04%/0.00% [02] jump - 0.03%/0.00% [02] looting - 0.03%/0.00% [02] getBrightness - 0.00%/0.00% [02] checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00% [01] playerTick - 4.75%/0.18% [02] unspecified - 49.16%/0.09% [02] travel - 26.77%/0.05% [03] move - 49.96%/0.02% [03] unspecified - 32.77%/0.02% [03] rest - 17.27%/0.01% [02] entityBaseTick - 11.83%/0.02% [02] mobBaseTick - 5.92%/0.01% [02] ai - 3.07%/0.01% [03] unspecified - 69.86%/0.00% [03] oldAi - 30.14%/0.00% [02] push - 1.81%/0.00% [02] headTurn - 0.83%/0.00% [02] rangeChecks - 0.25%/0.00% [02] looting - 0.19%/0.00% [02] jump - 0.18%/0.00% [01] unspecified - 1.42%/0.05% [01] keepAlive - 0.06%/0.00% [00] save - 0.11%/0.11% [00] players - 0.00%/0.00% [00] tallying - 0.00%/0.00% [00] tickables - 0.00%/0.00% [00] snooper - 0.00%/0.00% --- END PROFILE DUMP ---