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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-109044

Llamas suffocating/drowning when bobbing in water with block above


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 16w42a
    • None
    • Java 8u101 x64, Win 10 x64
    • Unconfirmed

      When a Llama (baby or not) is bobbing in the water, it is suffucation or drowning with a block above its head (pic. 1).

      Just a block above it's head does noting (pic. 2).

      A cow bobbing in the water won't suffocate/drown (pic. 3).

      This is quite strange because the baby llama has a smaller hitbox than the cow..

        1. 2016-10-22_21.46.02.png
          322 kB
          Jochem Broekhoff
        2. 2016-10-22_21.46.12.png
          323 kB
          Jochem Broekhoff
        3. 2016-10-22_21.46.44.png
          279 kB
          Jochem Broekhoff

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            jochemb Jochem Broekhoff
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