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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-106784

@e[c=1]/@p inconsitency


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 16w35a
    • None
    • Windows 10, Java 1.8.0_25 64bit
    • Unconfirmed

      c="n" in selectors will select n entites.

      n>0 will give the n closest
      n<0 will give the (-)n furthest
      n=0 will give all entites in oder as if n>0 (same as if you don't use it al all)

      However, when you use c=1 this is not quiet consistent with any other value.

      c=1 for some reason prefers the command-caster even if you execute it from a different position.

      How to reproduce:
      1) summon two ArmorStands with CustomName "A" and "B" some blocks apart from each other
      2) use "execute @e[name=A] ~x ~ ~z say @e[c=n]", so that the execute results in the position of B
      3) when you use n=2 it will say it in correct order. First B, then A (or the player if it is closer to B than A) however, if you use c=1 it will print A instead of B, which is not consistent with the other result.

      Same happens whe using @p (which has a built-in c=1):
      1) Have a player stand some block beside you
      2) use "execute @p ~x ~ ~z say @p[c=n]", so that the execute results in the position of the other player
      3) again, when you use c=2 it will print the other player first and then either yourself or another player that is closer to the player you targeted with the execute. However not using the c (which is equal to c=1) will print yourself even though the other player is closer to the offset execute position

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Possseidon Dominik Vogel
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