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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-106301

If you move your mouse quickly while placing lilypads, they will duplicate


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w33a
    • None
    • Latest java, windows 10,
    • Confirmed

      If you kind of flick your mouse, and then place a lilypad while it's moving you will almost always place 2-3 lilypads. I have only one lilypad that I was able to break and get an extra lilypad from, but other ones are just kind of "ghost" lilypads that when you break or update them they dissapear without dropping an item. however, you can walk on them. This doesnt only happen while im recording. It happens while im not. (OBS doesnt cause any lag, anyway.)

      Gfycat doesnt let me download the gif, here's a link: https://gfycat.com/FabulousUnsungBluebottlejellyfish

      As you can see, the one on the right is a "ghost" one, it doesnt drop an item and it dissapeared when I clicked on it. The gif is a little glitchy but the game was running smoothly.


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            Kerhsnart Ralph Viggiani
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