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- MCPE-63143
Second-hand shield causes high-performance falls - MCPE-63089
Repeating and chain command blocks can't be opened - MCPE-57063
Phantom water source - MCPE-56229
Custom entities with runtime_identifier when command killed will display the runtime entity name instead of the identifier entity name - MCPE-54828
Jumping on Lantern plays wrong sound if they’re placed on fence or wall posts - MCPE-54244
Issue with loading / unloading minecarts placed in the same spot - MCPE-53279
Scaffolding no longer has stepping/jumping sounds - MCPE-47518
Sometimes Mobs Will Not Take Damage On Magma Blocks - MCPE-37571
Can't pick up water in a bucket when it's bubbling - MCPE-32501
You are out of data storage space and minecraft is unable to save your progress - MCPE-32089
Skins resetting to default Steve skin after reloading the game. - MCPE-14757
Cake texture is incorrect for some states (when partially-eaten).
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