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- MC-53918
Double-clicking server in server list no longer does anything - MC-53773
Cannot Respawn Outside Worldborder - MC-53616
River Generation Dramatically Increased in Default World-Gen. - MC-53580
Crafting wool/clay/glass/dog collars results in the wrong color. - MC-53570
Barrier particles fight for attention - MC-53514
Lava Oceans setting does not work in Customized world type - MC-53493
Minecraft Crashes when setting FixedBiome to Hell - MC-53469
Sliders have incorrect values causing world to never be created (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive) - MC-53464
Scrollbar in all lists act weird / unresponsively - MC-53460
Redstone gives off no particles when being broken - MC-53442
/worldborder missing string: commands.worldborder.setSlowly.success - MC-53434
Can place blocks outside world border. - MC-53419
Unable to create/load new heavily customized world - MC-53412
The worldborder stops the player one block further away from the center in South/East direction - MC-53405
Singleplayer menu: Only one click loads world - MC-53401
redstone overlay gets tinted - MC-53381
Player takes damage when world border is nearer than 179 blocks - MC-53375
Sheep give other color when sheared - MC-53371
Respawn button does not work if spawnpoint is outside of the worldborder - MC-53370
Any stone slabs ontop of one another creates a double stone block - MC-51934
Lapis-Lazuli Ore Pick Block - MC-51379
Rails render from below, but not correctly - MC-51323
water doesn't put burning silverfish out - MC-50729
Vines orienting improperly in inside corners - MC-50510
Burning Furnace Has Wrong Inventory Image - MC-50239
Pick block on hydrated farmland gives dirt block with invalid data value (missing texture) - MC-50073
It is possible to change the missing block model - MC-48954
When you kill invisible horse variants, the screen will turn red/black - MC-48831
"Reeds" Model Displays Incorrectly - MC-47811
The bottom texture of non-full blocks is flipped vertically - MC-46776
When only a Spectator stays near mobs, they don't despawn - MC-34648
Torch not placeable on stained glass - MC-31728
Resource Pack Glitch on Shaders - MC-3631
Creepers float one-eighth of a block above the ground.
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