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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-6521

Migration failure from mojang account to MS account on mojang security questions step


      Account migration is failing for me, where I'm in an infinite loop trying to prove identity.  During the login process for mojang accounts, I log in with my password, it sees a new device with new activity, trips the additional security questions, I respond to those, enter them until client get locked out, click the link reset security questions, go to the email, click that link to reset security questions, login with password, set the new prompts, try to log in again, and repeat.  No, I'm not entering incorrect responses.  It got to the point where I set all the answers to "1" and it still forced this loop.

      Of relevance is that I already have a github account which I used to authenticate to MS services before, including other games.  What that has done is caused there to already exist a kind of converted to MS account that isn't a true MS account so the MS account representation internally could be malformed and on login attempts something goes wrong.  I also never really set up a MS account so everything there is auto-generated or imported from another system.  Someone is probably going to have to dig into what mismatch is going on there then let me know when to try again.


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            anadon_aerohear2 Anadon
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