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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-6024

Structures breaking the Bedrock soil at the bottom of the Minecraft worlds


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • bugs.mojang.com
    • None

      Structures breaking the Bedrock soil at the bottom of the Minecraft worlds

      Minecraft worlds are known to have structures, and that they are generated more or less everywhere in the world, but there are problems with them: they are able to break the only barrier between a player's world and the Void.

      In fact, in the past few days, I was able to notice that some YouTubers like camman18 made shorts where they talked about beautiful Minecraft seeds, including one in which he explains that structures, to be generated, only need to be in the sunlight. In fact, in that particular video, it showed villages at depths -40 and beyond. In that video he had also shown two particular cases: one with a pyramid of the desert, which treasure room had been interrupted by the soil of Bedrock and another in which there was the ruin of a Nether portal, in which, by digging the Netherrack around, connected the playable world with the void in a NATURAL way, which could become a problem if a player is digging and falling into the Void.

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