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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-4980

Realm Purchase error


      I tried to purchase realm but couldn't. It gave an error which said error placing order. I have enough balance in my card and all details I wrote were accurate. I tried it twice, changed the web browser but it still didn't work. Then I emailed Mojang they said me to check my balance and if my card can make international purchases but all of them were fine. Then they asked me to report this bug so the developers could fix it or search for it. I couldn't find any fix for it so I am reporting it. It isn't an error from my card or bank. This might be from Mojang's servers as you can see on youtube, many people have this error while purchasing Minecraft / Realm from Minecraft.net. Please consider this report I really need to buy realm.

      Thank you.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            GalxyGamerz GalxyGamerz
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