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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-4515

I'm not getting any sort of notice on why a comment is being rejected


      I keep trying to comment on a specific post but the comment is disappearing, and I can only assume (in absence of any other explanation short of a critical bug saving the comment) it's because of moderation. I checked my email inbox and I don't have any sort of notice telling me what was wrong with my comment, so that makes me think either no such feature exists (in which case I suppose this should be a feature request? Ironically, that means I should go back to the exact site where I'm having the issue) or it's broken. Which is it?

      While I'm at it, is there any other way I can find out why my post was rejected, such as by asking the mods or someone with access to the audit logs? The Minecraft community is a big place, and I'm not really sure where to go...

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            macks2008 Twisted Code
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