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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-3094

The Lego Redeem FAQ article contains a header and a footer that are present likely by mistake


      Last checked: July 17, 2021

      The bug

      On the page https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360042547152-Lego-Redeem-FAQ-, at the top and bottom of the page, there appears to be the standard header and footer. It has the Mojang © 2009-2020. "Minecraft" is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB, like all of the pages do at the footer, but this is actually contained inside of the article in addition to the bottom of the webpage.

      The main reason this is likely a mistake is because of the fact that it contains the same text, but with non-functioning links. Both the Terms and Conditions link and the Brand and Assets Guidelines link do not actually link to anything, even though the text becomes underlined when the cursor is above it.

            mojangweb [Mojang] Web Team
            markderickson [Mod] markderickson
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