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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-1623

Platform comparison table on Minecraft download page incorrect (MCJava especially)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • minecraft.net
    • None

      I have no experience with other editions of Minecraft, so I will mostly just list mistakes I found in the Java edition column of the platform comparison table found on https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/get-minecraft:

      • "Split screen multiplayer" not checked. It might require some tinkering to send keyboard input to two windows at once, but it is definitely possible. At least on Linux it is, I have not researched this for other operating systems.
      • "(online multiplayer requires subscription sold separately)": This is incorrect, only Realms requires subscriptions, regular servers do not.
      • "Controller/touch support" not checked. Touch support is explicitly implemented, there is an option to enable touchscreen mode. Controller support depends on the controller, but that's the case for all the other devices in the list anyway. In the easiest case you just need to bind a controller button to an action like a regular key.
      • "Minecraft Marketplace": It's not incorrect that Minecraft Java doesn't have this, but the missing checkmark makes it look like it's missing that feature, while the exact opposite is the case, there is much MORE community content available for it, usually even for free.
      • "Downloadable content" not checked. Of course you can download content for Minecraft Java.
      • "Official featured multiplayer servers": Having this unchecked makes it look like something negative, while in reality those are ads for servers (as far as I know impossible to remove), so not having them is usually something desirable.
      • "Achievements/Trophies" not checked: Either this is extreme nitpicking, because they're called "advancements" in the newer versions of Minecraft Java or this box is simply false.
      • "Parental controls with Xbox Live or Microsoft account" not checked: This was now implemented in MCJava.

      The remaining points seem correct to me, but the entire table is heavily skewed towards MCBE, by listing lots of features that MCBE has and omitting lots of features that MCJava has, like the 1.13+ commands system, datapacks, the 1.9+ combat system, the offhand, uncensored chat and pretty much everything on this page: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Java_Edition_exclusive_features
      On the other hand, lots of MCBE features are also omitted, which would give a better impression of the game, like the Education edition features and everything on this page: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition_exclusive_features
      It's also weird how "Windows 10" is grouped together with Java edition, which is a completely separate game, but not with "mobile" and "current gen consoles".

            mojangweb [Mojang] Web Team
            FaRo1 Fabian Röling
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