Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Legends'
  1. Minecraft Legends
  2. MCLG-468

Bases are generated outside the world border, unreachable


    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      In the campaign, some bases are generated outside the world border, unreachable by any means.

      I have attached the screenshots and a video. As you can see, there are some other bases not far away, but they lie in the unreachable and unbuildable area outside the world's border (covered with bare sand and water instead of the normal swamp).

      As you can see from the map, one base (has been destroyed) is located exactly on the world border, and three bases are located outside the world border.

      Under normal circumstances, the world border should encompass all bases. However, Minecraft Legends only considers that the bases must be generated on land when generating the world, but does not consider that there are some lands outside the world border. If a base is generated on the land outside the border, it is unreachable.

            Flower-Chicken Flower-Chicken
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