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  1. Minecraft Legends
  2. MCLG-325

Can't progress after destroying the Night Beacon


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.17.28951
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Xbox Series X

      This error is occuring in my save across both Xbox series X and Xbox one. 


      I am playing the game on Legendary difficulty, and upon destroying the Night Beacon the standard cinematic plays. However, after the cinematic plays, I am transported to the Well of Fate, at which point only a small area around the Well renders in, and when I try moving I can run off the Well before I am glitched back to the centre of the Well. 


      While at the Well, I am able to open all the interfaces except for the map which cannot be opened. I can attempt to build but nothing builds. 


      Prior to attacking and destroying the Night Beacon, I explored the entire map. In doing so the towers, firsts, zombies, etc. were located but unable to interact/activate as normal. I have also placed the redstone, coal, and iron melody at the Well of Fate.

            Ldawson7 Ldawson7
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