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  1. Minecraft Legends
  2. MCLG-257

Cannot leave Well of Fate in campaign day 3; menu only says "Leave" not "Save and Leave"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.17.24827
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      In campaign, on day 3, after defeating the piglins at the Night Beacon, a cinematic plays. After the cinematic, it places you at the Well of Fate. If you try to leave the Well of Fate, after a few steps you are returned to the center of the Well. You cannot do anything to escape this.

      The M button does not open the map.

      You cannot build anything.

      It does not load the territory around the Well of Fate beyond a short distance.

      When you hit escape, the menu says "Leave" instead of "Save and Leave". When you press "Leave", it will not finish savings.

      I have tried this on two difference computers and the result is exactly the same.

      Videos of the problem: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S3OncUrqXA9gxBUcDNMsATtotW5dxJg5?usp=share_link

            shawnus Shawn US
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