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  1. Minecraft Legends
  2. MCLG-154

Mason buildings stopped working after mass building of towers


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.17.24827
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      I have several mason buildings around my base and a wall with towers outside. All of those have been converted to stone via the mason buildings. 

      However I went on a clust tower spree outside and some of them did not convert despite being in the radius. I have made a tower next to 2 mason buildings that were overlapping, destroyer the tower after 15 minutes and rebuild it. no success.


      The other towers awaiting the mason buff did not change either during that time. I did not build walls and they are all stone.


      I did teleport somewhere then back


      I did relog


      I did rebuild mason buildings.


      Nothing worked.


      Here is a screenshot of a tower overlapped by 3 mason buildings that did not turn despite being placed first and spending almost 20 minutes watching it after I have noticed that nothing else was being upgraded.

            Ikaras Ikaras
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