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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-4171

Will not open Minecraft on Windows 10


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • 1.6.48
    • None
    • None
    • Window 10, Processor: Intel Core i7-4500 CPU 1.8GHz 2.4 GHz, 8GB RAM, 1TB memory, 64-bit Operating System, Acer Laptop
    • Unconfirmed

      I was trying to open minecraft like I always do with the Minecraft Launcher that I downloaded from https://minecraft.net/download. I used the minecraft_installer.msi(https://launcher.mojang.com/download/MinecraftInstaller.msi). I just upgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 10 and now minecraft will not even open the launcher to pick the version (photo of error is attached called "Launcher Error.jpg"). I tried repairing, uninstalling, and completely erasing everything to do with minecraft to fix it but nothing works. The other minecraft without the installer works (https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.exe) which I tired with 1.8.8 and it loads the map. The problem then is when I pressed "Save and Quit to Title", then it crashes. It did not even give me a crash report. When I tried to load a map from version 1.7.2 or join a server, it crashes (this crash report is attached called "1.7.2 crash.txt"). I installed a fresh minecraft and 1.7.2 version but nothing works. Please fix.


        1. Launcher Error.jpg
          19 kB
          Kyle Callaghan
        2. 1.7.2 crash.txt
          3 kB
          Kyle Callaghan

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            Kyle5953c Kyle Callaghan
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