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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-3750

No indication when launcher fails to create directory


    • Confirmed

      I have some older profiles that are set up to use a different username (from an older PC), which use the wrong game directory. It has an invalid username on it, and the launcher can't create the new user folder (because C:/Users/ doesn't allow it). This is entirely logical.

      However, when the laucher does this, it doesn't abort the launch visually, although it does output info to the console.

      [14:46:24 INFO]: Minecraft Launcher 1.6.13 (through bootstrap 4) started on windows...
      [14:46:24 INFO]: Current time is Jul 9, 2015 2:46:24 PM
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 8.1'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.3'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'amd64'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.8.0_45'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '64'
      [14:46:24 INFO]: proxy == DIRECT
      [14:46:24 INFO]: JFX is already initialized
      [14:46:25 INFO]: Refreshing local version list...
      [14:46:26 INFO]: Refreshing remote version list...
      [14:46:27 INFO]: Refresh complete.
      [14:46:28 INFO]: Loaded 17 profile(s); selected '1.8_DL_LiteLoader'
      [14:46:28 INFO]: Refreshing auth...
      [14:46:28 INFO]: Logging in with access token
      [14:46:44 INFO]: Getting syncinfo for selected version
      [14:46:44 INFO]: Queueing library & version downloads
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Download job 'Version & Libraries' started (16 threads, 11 files)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraft\launchwrapper\1.5\launchwrapper-1.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput-platform\2.0.5\jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput-platform\2.0.5\jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jutils\jutils\1.0.0\jutils-1.0.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl\2.9.0\lwjgl-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl_util\2.9.0\lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.5\jopt-simple-4.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-all\4.1\asm-all-4.1.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl-platform\2.9.0\lwjgl-platform-2.9.0-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput\2.0.5\jinput-2.0.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:45 INFO]: Attempting to download C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.5.2\1.5.2.jar for job 'Version & Libraries'... (try 0)
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Download job 'Resources' skipped as there are no files to download
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Job 'Resources' finished successfully (took 0:00:00.000)
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl\2.9.0\lwjgl-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraft\launchwrapper\1.5\launchwrapper-1.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl_util\2.9.0\lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-all\4.1\asm-all-4.1.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.5\jopt-simple-4.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput\2.0.5\jinput-2.0.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jutils\jutils\1.0.0\jutils-1.0.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput-platform\2.0.5\jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl-platform\2.9.0\lwjgl-platform-2.9.0-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:46 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput-platform\2.0.5\jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
      [14:46:47 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.5.2\1.5.2.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Used own copy as it matched etag
      [14:46:47 INFO]: Job 'Version & Libraries' finished successfully (took 0:00:02.259)
      [14:46:47 INFO]: Launching game
      [14:46:47 INFO]: Unpacking natives to C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.5.2\1.5.2-natives-77299700355212
      [14:46:48 INFO]: Reconstructing virtual assets folder at C:\Users\Pokechu22\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\virtual\legacy
      [14:47:16 INFO]: Launching in C:\Users\OLDUSERNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\1.5.2
      [14:47:16 ERROR]: Aborting launch; couldn't create game directory

      The problem here is that it looks like it's just taking a long time to launch, while in reality it has aborted the launch. It also keeps the "Launch" button disabled forever (IE, until closing and reopening the launcher).

      I expected the launcher to fully abort the launch (as it does when it cannot download a version) and switch to the logs tab.

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            pokechu22 [Mod] Pokechu22
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