Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Launcher'
  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-23101

Minecraft for Windows "Play" button glitches out when switching tabs with transition animations enabled


    • Confirmed
    • 986506

      Discovered while testing MCL-21137 and MCL-22773.

      The Bug:

      The Minecraft for Windows "Play" button glitches out and flashes when switching tabs with transition animations enabled.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      • Open the Launcher in the version stated.
      • Enable "Animate transitions between pages in the Launcher".
      • Click on the Minecraft for Windows tab.
      • Switch quickly between the "Play" and "Preview" tabs and observe the "Play" button.

      →  The "Play" button for Minecraft for Windows flashes and/or glitches out when switching tabs.

      Observed Behavior:

      The Minecraft for Windows "Play" button flashes when switching tabs with transition animations enabled.

      Expected Behavior:

      The Minecraft for Windows "Play" button doesn't flash or glitch out when switching tabs with transition animations enabled.

        1. 2023-04-27 13-09-29.mp4
          5.75 MB
          [Mod] turbo
        2. Animate play button disabled.mp4
          4.73 MB
          [Mod] turbo
        3. Animate play button enabled.mp4
          6.01 MB
          [Mod] turbo

            Unassigned Unassigned
            zTxrbq [Mod] turbo
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