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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-18140

Visual glich in New 1.17


    • Unconfirmed

      While playing the new 1.17, the second I load into the start screen random visual glichs start happening. It looks like when someoneĀ  cracks a TV screen and it's has random black that fashes and colors. I have already tested out my computer and know that is not the issue, it has something to do with the 1.17 version, I have also loaded up the older versions of minecraft and this visual glich does not happen in any of those.

        1. IMG_20210611_080932.jpg
          7.47 MB
          Abhijit Samanta
        2. 20210610_185158.jpg
          7.52 MB
          Elizabeth N Stevens

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            Sempi Elizabeth N Stevens
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