Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Launcher'
  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-16558

Long account names are not shortened on the accounts page


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • 2.2.1260 (macOS)
    • Minecraft Launcher
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      The bug

      If a user modifies the name value of an account in launcher_accounts.json, the name is not abbreviated on the Accounts tab within the Settings section of the Minecraft Launcher. This may cause the name to extend past the right edge of the launcher window.

      This is inconsistent with other instances of the account name being displayed. For example, the account name displayed on the main login page and the one displayed to the right of the Play button are all correctly shortened with an ellipsis.

      Note that this is very likely not something that will be experienced by a user who does not modify this file.

      How to reproduce

      1. Make sure that the Minecraft Launcher is closed and that your device does not have access to the internet
      2. Navigate to your minecraft folder -> open launcher_accounts.json
      3. Locate the line that has the account name (name) within minecraftProfile, and change the value to a very long name. For example:
        "name" :  "LongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThisLongNameThatWillGoOverTheBorderOfTheScreenLikeThis"
      1. Open the Minecraft Launcher -> Setttings -> Accounts
        The long account name is not shortened, and instead extends past the edge of the window

      Additional information

      A screenshot is attached. In the screenshot, the right border (the tiny white strip) is another application behind the launcher window.

      The reproduction steps provided work only for Mojang accounts. They are slightly different for Microsoft accounts.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            markderickson [Mod] markderickson
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