Resolution: Invalid
2.2.743 (Windows)
java edition, windows 10
I opened the java edition launcher the other day and noticed that there are 2 changes to the versions list. 1 forge and fabric versions aren't listed and 2 there are red triangles with exclamation points on a lot of the vanilla versions saying it is an older version that doesn't have the new safety features. as a long time player I checked the instalations tab first to see if the forge and fabric versions were there which they weren't so I went into the versions folder under the .minecraft folder and the forge and fabric things were still there and I even tried re-installing forge 1.16.4 and it still isn't showing. after trying all of this I am still unable to launch forge or fabric because neither are showing in the versions list even though they are still in the versions folder. I have done nothing to the folder since the last time I used forge and it worked then so I'm at a loss of what to do please help