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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-14918

Player name is being parsed incorrectly to some Alpha versions


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • 1.6.93 (legacy), 2.1.15850, 2.1.15851, 2.1.16100, 2.1.16102, 2.2.2040 (macOS - 10.9 only), 2.2.7265 (Windows), 2.2.7268 (Mac), 2.2.7266 (Linux), 2.2.7264 (NEW Windows App), 2.2.7447 (Windows), 2.2.7448 (Linux), 2.2.7449 (Mac), 2.2.7450 (NEW Windows App), 2.2.8353 (Mac), 2.4.30 (Win 10/11 App)
    • Java Edition Assets
    • Confirmed
    • 682330

      While launching versions between a1.2.0 and a1.2.6, the player name is always set to:
      "Player" + System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000L
      instead of the actual player's name.

      This can be simply solved by adding a tweakClass minecraft argument from other Alpha jsons to these Alpha 1.2.x json files:
      "minecraftArguments": "${auth_player_name} ${auth_session} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets} --tweakClass net.minecraft.launchwrapper.AlphaVanillaTweaker"

      It's simple to fix, and if fixed, it will stop making people search for launcher alternatives just to join Alpha 1.2.x servers.

        1. without.mp4
          3.81 MB
        2. with.mp4
          5.52 MB

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