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  1. Minecraft Dungeons
  2. MCD-295

Fishing rod displays over weapons and stays equipped in multiplayer


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • (Windows)
    • Beta Update April 3
    • None
    • Community Consensus
    • 332912

      Visual Bug when spamming the fishing rod causing it to display over weapons and display in hand permanently. The fishing rod displays on top of the currently held weapon, causing a strange hybridization of weapon/fishing rod as well as staying active in the hand permanently. (Using the fishing rod again does not fix this bug, as the fishing rod continues to be held in the hand, regardless if a weapon is present.)



      In bug1.jpg and bug2.jpg the fishing rod can be seen sitting atop the halberd,

      bug3.jpg is an example of the bug occurring on the sickles

      bug4.jpg is on the ax

      bug5.jpg is on the sword.

      bug6.jpg is on the bow. 

      This bug was found during online mode during multiplayer (even if online but solo), it does not seem reproducible during singleplayer.


      The bug can be reproduced by spamming the fishing rod as you spam attack, I can't determine the exact causes of the bug as it seems highly variable, other than it seems to occur through rapid spamming of both attacks and the fishing rod.


      It also does not fix when changing weapons or even unequipping weapons, as can be seen in bug6.jpg and also can occur on the bow and possibly might be clientside

        1. bug2.png
          58 kB
        2. bug1.png
          172 kB
        3. bug3.jpg
          17 kB
        4. bug4.jpg
          9 kB
        5. bug5.jpg
          12 kB
        6. bug6.jpg
          11 kB
        7. bug7.jpg
          16 kB

            Modernwarguy Modernwarguy
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            1 Start watching this issue
