Uploaded image for project: 'Bedrock Dedicated Server'
  1. Bedrock Dedicated Server
  2. BDS-9819

When using other port numbers than default, default ports are still locked/in use


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.40
    • None
    • Windows 10
    • Unconfirmed

      In server.properties, I have set these (non-default) port numbers:

      When running bedrock_server.exe, the server uses the new ports. However bedrock_server.exe also uses 19132/19133.

      I can connect to the server using port 19142, and cannot connect to the server using port 19132, as I would expect.

      But I cannot use port 19132 for any other software.

      I'm trying to run two Bedrock servers on the same computer, but that is not possible at the moment because of the conflicting ports.

      The attached screenshots show the single instance of Bedrock server blocks all these ports:

      • 19132
      • 19133
      • 19142
      • 19143

        1. minecraft-bedrock-server-terminal.png
          55 kB
          Bjarte Aune Olsen
        2. port-numbers-in-use.png
          5 kB
          Bjarte Aune Olsen

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            bjarteao Bjarte Aune Olsen
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