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  1. Bedrock Dedicated Server
  2. BDS-18725

[Scripting] isOp() returns false when players are operator


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.20.30
    • None
    • Ubuntu Server
    • Confirmed
    • 1116005, 1074369

      Version is 1.20.30 - Not available to select   *   *It is now available so have updated this.

      isOp() from the Player class is always returning false, even if the player is operator, except if setOp(true) is called first.

      This defeats the purpose of having an isOp() method if you have to manually check player IDs just to see if they should have setOp() called. 

        1. Example_Behavior_Pack.zip
          0.8 kB
        2. level.dat
          3 kB
        3. world_behavior_packs.json
          0.1 kB
        4. MinecraftScriptingBug_conv.mp4
          7.89 MB

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            old-mate-jim old-mate-jim
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