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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-19648

The "/effect" command sets time for instant effects to ticks and not to seconds


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.6.1, Minecraft 1.6.2, Minecraft 1.7.4, Minecraft 14w02c, Minecraft 14w03b, Minecraft 14w04a, Minecraft 14w04b, Minecraft 14w11b, Minecraft 1.8, Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w31a, Minecraft 15w36d, Minecraft 15w43b, 1.18.1, 22w12a, 23w04a, 1.20.4, 1.20.5 Pre-Release 3, 1.20.6, 1.21 Pre-Release 4
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Commands
    • Low
    • Platform

      When the new saturation effect came out, I used command blocks to give me hunger points. It seemed like at amplifier 0 for 1 second I got 1 hunger point. When I put the same effect on a potion using NBT editors, even 1 second at amplifier 0 filled my entire hunger bar, when it should act the same as /effect. The issue is that when the command says the effect was applied for x seconds, it was actually applied for x ticks.

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