Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-184549

Fallling blocks visually jump up when falling through cobweb


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 22w03a
    • 1.15.2, 20w20b, 20w21a, 20w22a, 1.16 Pre-release 1, 1.16 Pre-release 2, 1.16 Pre-release 3, 1.16 Pre-release 4, 1.16 Pre-release 5, 1.16 Pre-release 6, 1.16 Pre-release 7, 1.16 Pre-release 8, 1.16 Release Candidate 1, 1.16, 1.16.1, 20w27a, 20w28a, 20w29a, 20w30a, 1.16.2 Pre-release 1, 1.16.2 Pre-release 2, 1.16.2 Pre-release 3, 1.16.2 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.2 Release Candidate 2, 1.16.2, 1.16.3 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.3, 1.16.4 Pre-release 1, 1.16.4 Pre-release 2, 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.4, 20w45a, 20w46a, 20w48a, 20w49a, 20w51a, 21w05b, 21w06a, 21w07a, 21w15a
    • Confirmed
    • Entities

      The Bug
      When having a gravity affected block go through cobweb it jumps up a bit before going through the cobweb


      • Place a Cobweb
      • Place a gravity affected block so it falls down
      • Watch it jump up before going through the cobweb

        1. 2020-05-19_15.48.49.png
          293 kB
          [Mod] Anthony Cicinelli
        2. 2020-05-19_15.51.15.png
          270 kB
          [Mod] Anthony Cicinelli
        3. 2024-05-27_19-48-14.mp4
          4.03 MB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Thumpbacker [Mod] Anthony Cicinelli
            4 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
