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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-146545

a 1.14 Bug and it needs to be fixed fast


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 19w12b
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      I was playing on the beta to see how its was, then a weird thing happened at night with the villagers, and here's what happened, I walked into a villagers house or home and saw him sleeping as do to the new functions you guys gave them and as I was walking out I saw a zombie come up to were the villager was sleeping and hugged trough the wall and the villager immediately turn into a V-zombie like the zombie attack trough the wall,  I didn't have the time to take a pic because I was in survival being chased by a spider after what I saw but u need to fix because I had a thought that player would get upset at the game for this bug or glitch, and her for example a player when this update finally releases and then ounce finally finding a village in a desert or anywhere else to see no villagers at all but V-zombie and I'm not talking about the abandoned villages  this is serious, my dream is to help guys in the future which is in one year for me, but for know please fix this I want people to love this update more then the last, and thx for making my childhood fun, Sincerely  Zachary.Cayea.Caldwell

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            Masterluigi2002 Zachary
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