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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-143626

Setting blocks to a block containing age block data (without physics) will cause ticking exceptions/world corruption.


    • Unconfirmed

      While vanilla commands only allow blocks to be set with physics, the Bukkit API accesses Minecraft internal methods which may set blocks without queuing physics updates. If you set a region (a 5x5 cube, for example) to a block, such as Carrots, Fire, Beetroot_Block, etc. (which contains an “age” data component), the world will be permanently corrupted and the server will close immediately when the relevant chunks are loaded.

      I believe that this causes a ticking exception. While this is not a high priority, please take a peek if you have the chance to potentially prevent this devastating bug from occurring when plugin and mod-makers set blocks without physics updates.

      Edit: Again, I understand that this is Spigot console output, but the code that is causing issues is vanilla code present within the base server jar. I believe this example occurred from changing blocks to fire without physics. https://paste.md-5.net/samarusunu.txt

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            Aerocet Brian
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