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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-100902

Intermittent Server Crash


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 16w14a, Minecraft 1.9.3 Pre-Release 1
    • None
    • OS: Windows 10 x64
      Java: Various 1.8, both x32 and x64
    • Unconfirmed

      Every few days I get a silent crash on vanilla survival server. I can't seem to identify a trigger, but am happy to provide any info that might help. I've tried the recommended default launcher settings as well as several others I've seen recommended. Attaching the latest two crash logs below, as well as two potentially suspicious log files.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            fishinakilt Andrew Peterson
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