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Fishing a chicken, blaze or bat causes them to 'fly away' whilst 'being hurt continuously'.MCPE-18635
Chorus flowers drop when their stems are brokenMCPE-18632
Wither Skeleton Does Not Drop SkullsMCPE-18580
Chorus Flower makes grass placing sound when Its plantedMCPE-18561
Blaze issuesMCPE-18522
No sound when a shulker fires it's projectilesMCPE-18521
Breaking redstone wires give tripwire/string particlesMCPE-18264
You are able to walk through shulkers when they are opening their shells.MCPE-18160
Selecting Settings Causes Game to LagMCPE-18079
Baby Chicken Slab BugMCPE-17638
Skeleton horse traps can't be activated until world reload and can be activated multiple timesMCPE-17517
Baby Villagers dont grow up (visually)MCPE-16898
Enderman and Blazes don't take any damages when throwing them a splash water bottleMCPE-16803
Cursor Does Not Move with Arrow KeysMCPE-16286
Pistons are incorrectly activated when adjacent to a block that is adjacent to an activation-power source, but the block is not powered by the power sourceMCPE-14557
Strays are not dropping arrow of slowness
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