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- MC-14321
Carpets obstruct bed spawns / stuck in ceiling after leaving bed - MC-13929
Mouse cursor no longer snaps back to centre of window after exiting inventories/menus - MC-13704
Placing a boat in smp crashes the server - MC-13660
Mobs Become Stuck on Carpet - MC-13638
Boats do not work in 13w16a - MC-13628
SMP/LAN: NPE when right clicking horses - MC-13627
When killing a horse you will get a normal saddle back! - MC-13625
Color of the experience bar while having spawn eggs, enchantment bottles, enchanted books and nether stars in the inventory - MC-13623
Nullpointer exception when entering boat / minecart / riding horse - MC-13610
Players do not activate Stone Pressure Plates anymore - MC-13601
When going fullscreen, character looks up into the sky and spins around quickly. - MC-13599
Leash and Hay Bale do not have a name - MC-11229
Using the anvil for free - MC-4253
Endermen are rendered hostile if they take environmental damage
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