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- MC-62789
Chunks containing paintings may be wiped and regenerated upon load - MC-62736
ReplaceItem command not updated when the command was executed with a sign - MC-62655
Cubic player selector always finds player if there are more than 31 Entities around - MC-62558
Rendering empty chunks/cubes in 14w29b (or number of rendered chunks on debug screen (C) is wrong) - MC-62507
Overlapping Dungeons Don't Spawn Correctly - MC-62504
/kill adds 214748364 / 0xCCCCCCC to "Damage Taken" statistics - MC-62499
/replaceitem block has incorrect syntax - MC-62493
"/worldborder get" can display invalid size using "/worldborder add" - MC-62419
Hopper: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property bcy{name=half, clazz=class ats, values=[upper, lower]} as it does not exist in bch{block=minec - MC-62379
Spawners (Dungeons, Strongholds, etc...) can spawn mobs outside of worldborder - MC-62349
Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Saving entity NBT - MC-62342
Slabs can not be placed in adventure mode with tag CanPlaceOn. - MC-62267
Game crashes when trying to enable VSync - MC-62240
command selector parameters dx dy dz don't work - MC-62223
Crash in Video Settings menue - MC-62180
/testfor @p doesn't consider x,y,z anymore - MC-62170
Carpet has incorrect height? - MC-62166
Breaking / placing / changing blocks has a delay to disappear / appear - MC-62138
"#PLAYER" Appears on Sidebar - MC-62127
Turning off VSync crashes the game - MC-61191
Sandstone stairs bug in desert villages - MC-60552
Flower pots with metadata placed in 1.7 will not render in 1.8 snapshots / metadata not removed - MC-60301
Broken resource packs: Game Crashes when i try to load 14w27a/b - MC-59979
Bug in the F3 menu - MC-59259
Breaking block below tall plants causes them to drop two items - MC-58823
options.txt has advancedOpengl:true also for graphic cards without Advanced OpenGL in video settings - MC-58790
Sign with give / replaceitem doesn't update player inventory - MC-57895
Stairs are backwards in the creative inventory and hotbar - MC-56897
Chunks Don't Render with advancedOpengl = true - MC-46225
Falling sand can replace pistons, destroying them - MC-32514
The well in a desert village is made out of the wrong material/cobblestone - MC-30568
summon command can't summon lightning - MC-29490
1.7+ lighting bug / black spots - MC-7508
lighting error due to Chunk.heightMap ignoring block at the top level of an ExtendedBlockStorage instance (off by 1 error) - MC-4930
Flight Can Be Faster Than Chunk Load
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