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- MC-175090
Partially filled hoppers can delete bone meal from composters - MC-198101
Phantoms do not have a mob cap, causing performance issues - MC-227168
Shulkers don't attack back in peaceful difficulty - MC-256469
Invisible camels don't show their saddles - MC-262519
Sprinting and jumping in the spaces of non-full blocks produces sprinting particles - MC-263549
If you sneak on the corner of a soul block with Soul Speed while holding a movement key, it will constantly produce soul particles even if you aren't moving - MC-271480
Horses no longer drop their horse armor when the gamerule doMobLoot is false - MC-277934
Both "Minecart jangles" subtitles always show at the same time
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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