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- MC-92
Slab and stairs lighting incorrect - MC-46667
Light Level in F3 not correct on slabs, stairs, farmland, and grass path - MC-83277
Entities render black when enclosed in slabs (or other blocks) - MC-99863
Line breaks different in signed book - MC-116448
Illusioner is missing its loot table - MC-129926
Light glitch with slabs - MC-131553
Iron horse armor is misaligned at the head - MC-132701
Lighting is broken on world load - MC-134063
Wood blocks have wrong color on maps - MC-137266
Colon in 'Direct Connect' menu crashes game - MC-137469
Sign GUI darkens its buttons too - MC-137536
Stairs incorrectly blocking light - MC-137563
Horses become invisible when equipped with horse armor - MC-137755
Pillagers are near enemies when attacking - MC-137795
World does not tick when two players are far away from each other - MC-137831
Slimes and magma cubes riding mobs causes game crash - MC-137841
Villagers don't run away from ravagers - MC-138058
FPS's are switched in alt+F3 - MC-138283
Some blocks use wrong color palette on maps - MC-138458
Pillagers do not slow down while loading their crossbows - MC-138531
Dying a sign in creative mode removes dye from inventory - MC-138567
Button, Snow-Layer, Ladder, Tripwire-Hook, Lever, Torch, Vines, Fences, Walls, Iron-Bars and Glass-Panes can connect to Stonecutters - MC-138578
You can dye a sign in the same color as the sign is already dyed in - MC-138588
Vsync setting disabling itself on fullscreen switch - MC-138979
Scaffolding switches quickly between entity and block when placed on some non-solid blocks - MC-138982
Scaffolding connects to fences, walls etc. - MC-138984
Sign bottom texture is missing - MC-138989
Unable to go down column of scaffolding that is not connected to the ground - MC-139000
Certain items glitch when rendered - MC-139022
Illager beast roars hurt Illagers - MC-139048
Illager patrol spawn rate seems to be too high - MC-139100
Scaffolding breaks when placed on some blocks - MC-139118
illagers Path finding is broken - MC-139141
Mushroom stem blocks changed color on maps - MC-139175
Waterlogged Scaffolding keeps Waterlogged state when falling
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