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When reaching the other side of a nether portal the animation plays forever until stepped out ofMC-572
Anvils sometimes destroy items when falling on them even if they aren't placed successfullyMC-1133
Whether or not a player experiences some effect is calculated based on the block under the center of the playerMC-1310
Dispensed boats and rafts get stuck inside of dispensers used to place themMC-2215
Encoding errors in server.propertiesMC-2474
Transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negate bonuses received from bookshelvesMC-2604
Walking on non-solid blocks with no collision plays their respective walking soundsMC-18060
Several realms strings are untranslatableMC-21520
Death message for /kill is "<player> fell out of the world"MC-30939
Nether portal continues emitting light, even if portal is brokenMC-35078
Breaking animation is one frame offMC-44514
Teleporting ridden entity in unloaded chunks does not cause chunks to load for riding playerMC-48923
Slime/magma cubes not affected by jump boost potion effectMC-58961
Back button and kick message can overlapMC-74955
Fences play sound when jumping and walking/sprinting beside themMC-74984
Client continues to connect to server after canceling on 'Connecting to server' screenMC-75721
Arrow buttons within the book GUI are rendered above tooltipsMC-107224
World border death message states "suffocated in a wall"MC-108045
Minecraft not using latest unifont unicode chart; characters are missingMC-115608
Landing on a fence or a wall shows the landing particles of the non-full block aboveMC-117125
Narrator still crashes on linux, flite installedMC-117809
The sign GUI doesn't close when you get too far away from the said signMC-117815
The sign GUI remains open when the said sign is destroyedMC-120158
Anvils and other falling_blocks with HurtEntities set to true kill items and xp orbsMC-121433
Non English letters are lower case in controls setting, while English are upper caseMC-121788
Jump boost, slow falling and levitation don't apply to ridden horses, pigs or striders until after a relogMC-123081
Placing an end crystal when entering The End prevents Ender Dragon from spawningMC-124327
Changing the name of an item and then emptying the text field in an anvil doesn't make the rename unavailable, keeps last non-empty name on output itemMC-127394
Minecraft does not render characters in Unicode mb4 rangeMC-128011
F3 toggles debug menu while viewing inventoryMC-130089
Turtle eggs break weird at block edgesMC-132076
Lowercase Letters in controls menu + "Not Bound" is missingMC-135809
Armor stands with Marker tag can still activate pressure platesMC-138358
Levers on top of item frames Z-fighting with blocks in item framesMC-146582
When entering spectator mode while standing on the ground, the player moves down by 0.19051 blocks, which makes you fall downMC-150183
Iron golems produce walking particles for barrier blocksMC-151882
Favicon in game window shows old crafting table textureMC-152258
Riding an entity with slow falling will not stop fall damageMC-155084
Horses' armor, reins, and bridles experience z-fightingMC-157727
The small cube in honey/slime blocks isn't displayed in inventoryMC-158154
Players can bounce on beds even when not directly touching itMC-159633
Command feedback messages are unnecessarily created during function executionMC-159637
Mobs with passengers have broken movementsMC-160332
Horses with non-player passengers have improper orientation when walkingMC-162253
Lag spike when crossing certain chunk bordersMC-163467
Jack o'lanterns can be enchanted with cursesMC-165221
3D Modeled Potions are not rendered correctly in the "GUI Display"MC-165562
Command suggestion report "incorrect argument" when cursor is at the start of a node without suggestionsMC-165773
/execute run does not cause syntax error when arguments are missingMC-166260
Light from fire that has gone out lingers at the border of chunks
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